Friday, June 27, 2008

This is a kid who lives across the street from me. He's always out riding around on his "Big Wheel". Well a few weeks ago I noticed that he was dressed in a suit and thought what an interesting photo that would make. I figured he must have just have come home from some formal event and went straight to playing. So I crossed the street with my camera, chatted with the grandfather, and found out that in fact he had come home from school and decided to dress up like Mr. Bean for the rest of the day! What a character. This week I saw him in full Spidey get-up, again on the Big Wheel, but by the time I had gone inside and gotten my camera he was gone.


  1. Thanks Betty. Much appreciated!

  2. He is adorable. Thank you for capturing the moment and sharing it with us!

  3. LOL. This kid is hilarious.. he's some character to watch out for!

  4. Ahh! He was in his Spidey outfit today but he had gone back inside by the time I got my camera out. I will do my best to catch more of his personas from now on in!
